Curiosity, creativity and prejudice 4

Maybe you won’t be surprised to hear me now saying that other types of relationships, almost any relationship can stay fresh and powerful using this paradigm of curiosity and creativity as pillars.

It is indeed easy to see that when you’re genuinely, continuously curious, necessarily you take out the greatest enemy of any relationship, you take out prejudice. By its very nature, prejudice creeps into our lives. It takes an effort of consciousness and effort to identify it and then take it out. It’s not just prejudice, let me add a few more, which may even be similar if not the same thing with a different colour. If you’re curious you don’t make assumptions and you’re aware when assumptions are about to take over you. If you’re curious you don’t develop involuntary prejudices, you’re not presumptuous, and you don’t say I know you, or I know him, without a little jolt or a blip delivered to your self-awareness detector.

Considering that, in their majority, people fall under the spell of some prejudice or other and don’t even know it, it’s easy to see that the prejudice will be staying with them until it is first detected (self-detection that is) and then maybe they take the trouble of eliminating it through persistent self-awareness every time it strikes. I talk here from personal experience. I’ve been through it. However I have other prejudices (mainly classified as such by others) which I don’t want to end. I feel comfortable with them and believe they enhance my being. Although I don’t have a logical, rational explanation for them, they feel right, come from the heart, and are the result of my passions and my irrational self. How could I deny them just because they seem irrational? Is my irrationality not mine? Should I not embrace it and maybe use it to enhance my every day? Should I, at all costs, aim to be only reasonable, rational, and good? No, the effort needed to eradicate these negatively perceived features of my being would be better spent towards making something, doing something, thinking something, writing something. That is I’d rather spend mental energy towards being creative. I won’t use the precious powers of my mind to destroy what others tell me is not good but in reality I feel it does me no harm and it doesn’t harm anyone else either.


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